Andi’s Fight
More about Andi’s fight against breast cancer. Spoke with Doc today. Appt to meet on wed to discuss Surgery and next processes from here.
As you know, Andi is not only 50% of this family but she is a huge part of this company. As these procedures come up, we will be hoping to give her time to heal and fight this which means she won’t be working.
Every little bit helps and we thank you for helping and sharing!!
A little about my wife..
“Small in stature, but huge in heart, grit and toughness.” Is how Andrea Martin is known to many, but to her family she is the matriarch.
Andrea, or Andi as most refer to her is one of the fiercest fighters in our lives today. Married to Chris Martin for 12 years and in a relationship for over 20, a mom of five and “MiMa” to 3 boys, she def know how to maintain and battle!
After fighting a life case for pot, she, along side her family, has fought for the rights of those doing time for cannabis and their children.
To this day she is undefeated in all of her battles! Let’s make sure she status that way. Undefeated!
Andi has co owned Hempful Farms, #OGZonka and helped found Zonka Miles Non Profit for.
Now we can help her on her next fight…
She and her family now have a different battle. Andi was diagnosed with Stage 2 Carcinoma of the Breast. This battle, is the battle of her life.
Therefore, MRI is being scheduled now, but not without insurance now fighting her on coverage. Besides, Knowing how this may go, especially fighting with insurances we want to make sure financial circumstances don’t dictate treatments.
Thank you for your time and support
There are others ways to donate without it being cash. Also, We have Candy 4 Andi’s Cancer Fight happening at Paw Puddy Pet Products by Hempfulfarms, Herb ‘N Grinds Coffee Lounge (until the 27th) Arizona Natural Concepts – anc Medical Cannabis Dispensary, Arizona Cannabis Society and Arizona Cremation. You can donate candy to us at hempful farms as well.
You can help donate to Alexis Antol to help us get more candy machines here. We have most of shipping covered i believe.
Shop at, watch #hatersmakemefamous on Amazon Prime or read #onelife on Amazon Kindle to support our family as well. Never looking for a handout..only help.
If you’d like to host a candy vending machine reach out, [email protected] we will be retrieving the one from Herb N grinds this week to relocate that one and the others coming form Oregon!
Thank you to all supporting, praying, donating, sharing..we couldn’t do anything with out your support.
Hemp is win Andi’s Fight

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