CBD Oil For Dogs Pets 400mg

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CBD oil for dogs and pets with 400mg of CBD by Paw Puddy can help with so many ailments.

Our Paw Puddy brand of Cannabidiol is made for pets. Our customers testify it has been used successfully to improve the health and quality of life for dogs, cats, and other pets. 

Specifically, it has been known to help pets with anxiety, that are in pain, or have a stomach ailment. Full spectrum hemp oil has also been known to help with hair loss in dogs, depending on the cause of the loss.

CBD and Hemp have been known to better the quality of a pet’s life all around. 


This product is in a one-ounce bottle dropper with 400mg of CBD made from cold-pressed Full Spectrum Hemp oil.

Use topically, sublingually, or on food.

Our manufacturing process is completely organic and purely natural.

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Amount of CBD

400mg CBD


Where can I find CBD oil for dogs

CBD Oil for Dogs

Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Dogs

Paw Puddy CBD is used for a variety of therapy by veterinarians. Dog owners have also been known to treat different conditions, including arthritis, anxiety, pain management, inflammation, and even cancer. Our CBD oil is an 100% all-natural and safe treatment that can help your dog live a better, longer, and more healthier life without the side-effect risks of dangerous prescription drugs that only curve the side effects of the underlining issue.

Our Paw Puddy oil is derived from 100% pure, full spectrum CBD oil that provides all the healthy benefits to your dog without any bloat or added substances to provide your pet the purest form of natural relief.

Pain Management

Generally, Many research suggest that CBD can provide substantial pain relief in dogs when given the recommended daily dosage that helps fight the inflammation by the impact CBD has on the body’s endocannabinoid receptors. Basically inflammatory conditions. If your dog has any condition that ends with the term “itis”, then it is an inflammatory condition that CBD can help treat by with its natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Study shows as many as 60% of dogs are diagnosed with some form of arthritis.


Besides, It can be devastating watching your dog suffer with seizures, especially while on a limited budget that affects your ability to properly care for your loved dog with the costly veterinary visits and on-going expensive prescription costs. But luckily for you, there is a safer, more affordable, and all-natural route that you can help treat your dog that suffers with seizures with the use of CBD.

A recent study shows that CBD improves seizure control by targeting the profound effects on the endocannabinoid system.

Undeniably, This is why CBD through can reduce and sometimes stop seizures in its track from happening through a process called “external modulation”.

According to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 90% of the dogs treated with CBD saw a reduction in seizure activities.

Undoubtedly, other research that has been conducted, on both animals and humans, show that CBD’s anti-seizure components help by reducing the neuron volatility by acting on two groups of receptors in our body called GPR55 and TRPV1, which serve distinct functions in animal health and well-being.

  • The CB1 receptors are primarily located in the brain and central nervous system, and to be lesser extent in other tissues.
  • The CB2 receptors are mostly in the peripheral organs, especially cells associated with the immune system.


Finally, Can CBD really help my dog with cancer? Meanwhile, there are many people that get excited when they hear that an all-natural substance like CBD can help patients with cancer, especially in dogs. Furthermore, It’s one of those claims that just sound “too good to be true” but did you know that CBD and the effects it has on cancer patients is actually a well-research topic?

In fact, cannabidiol has been shown to have anti-tumor effects in several types of agressive cancers, including:

CBD helps dogs with cancer by…

  • Preventing the formation of blood vessels that feed tumors
  • Discourage the spread of cancer from one part of the body to another
  • Prevent tumor growth
  • Trigger death of cancer cells.
  • And ultimately… helps your dogs quality of life while living under these conditions.


CBD Treats Dog Separation Anxiety

Lastly, Paw Puddy CBD helps increase the levels of serotonin in your dogs brain, which help keep your canine calm by easing their anxiety. Furthermore, This won’t simply just make your dog tired and pass out while you are away, but it will help your canine cope with the fact that you aren’t around and give them a sense of relief.

cbd oil for dogs pets Works! from dogdreamcbd


Hemp Pet Tincture – Paw Puddy- cbd oil for dogs and pets

Also, We have taken your favorite tincture for your best friends and have made it better.

Flavor Choices: Unflavored or Bacon Flavored (or choose one of each)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CBD

CBD is the non-psychoactive chemical compound found in the cannabis sativa plant. CBD stands for cannabidiol and is cousin to tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. These are the two active ingredients in cannabis. Considered safe and non-addictive, CBD is a naturally occurring substance that has many benefits. CBD does not produce the same effects as THC, because they have different effects on brain receptors. There is no altered state, no feelings of euphoria or sedation, none of the �Shigh⬝ that is expected from cannabis.

CBD can be used to treat a variety of conditions including but not limited to autoimmune disorders, chronic-pain, insomnia, neurological conditions, intestinal disorders, and inflammation. In some cases, it can also be used to help treat cancer. CBD is most often used as an oil, but can be infused into edibles, drinks, and even beauty products; such as facemasks or creams; it can also be vaporized.

a bottle filled with CBD oil
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